Monday, June 29, 2009

Round #6

I met with my oncologist today. He informed me that he spoke with the surgeon that I want to do my surgery and they both agreed that the best course of action was removing the entire colon. They figure that there is something in me that caused the dual primary tumors and that leaving any of the colon is essentially playing with fire.

This is a little contradictory to what the surgeon originally told me, as she seemed to originally recommend only partial removal of the colon with annual colonoscopies. Not the story seems to have changed.

My options basically are:

1) an ilestomy bag
2) a continent ileostomy
3) partial removal of the colon

Option #3 is dangerous because it increases the recurrence of more caner. Option #1 sounds just awful ad Option #2 doesn't sound much better than #1.

I think the decision is up to me. All the options suck and I don't know what to do.

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